Can This Little Known Herb be the Answer to Alcohol Cravings being Reduced?

Kudzu Root

(Alcohol Cravings Reduced)

Can a white starchy root from China and Japan really take the cravings of alcohol away? According to the results of a 2005 Harvard Medical Center/McLean Hospital study, it just might. A study group made up of male and female subjects were each given Kudzu Root or a placebo. The subjects who took Kudzu Root drank an average of 1.8 beers in 90 minutes, compared to the 3.5 beers consumed by the subjects who took a placebo. Although, not quite sure how Kudzu Root works, some believe that it delivers a greater amount of alcohol to your bloodstream in a short period of time, fooling your body into thinking you have drank more then you actually have. Some people actually lose their desire to consume alcohol, after they had taken the Kudzu Root. The key to this product working is to make sure you are buying a high quality herb. How would you know if it was a high quality herb, you might be asking? When ingesting Kudzu each dose you take should contain 300 mg of Kudzu Root extract comprised of 19% pueriarin, 4% daidzin, and 2% daidzen (minimun 25% isoflavanoids.) This is the exact amount given during the 2005 Harvard Medical Center/McLean Hospital study. Make sure you read the label to assure you are taking the exact amount of this scientifically prove study.

Ginger Root

(Natural Antacid)

We have all heard of flat ginger ale calming an upset stomach. But, did you know that Ginger is also a great antacid? By taking Ginger capsules you can throw those antacids aside forever. The key to this herb working is making sure you take the right amount. You will have to judge what amount works best for you, but here is a little tip that will help you decide. After you take your initial dosage of two 550mg of Ginger, wait a few minutes and see if you can taste it in your mouth. If you can taste the Ginger you have taken enough. If you can not taste the Ginger, then swallow one more 550mg capsule. That's all there is to it! Why suffer one more day with heartburn pain? Grab that Ginger off your shelf and take it!

Konjac Root

(Appetite suppressant, source of fiber and natural laxative)

Did you know that there is a little known herb that can naturally suppress your appetite? And what would you say if I told you it not only can suppress your appetite, but it is also a great source of fiber and a natural laxative? This botanical miracle is called Konjac Root, also known as Glucomannan. Derived from the root of the Konjac tree, Konjac is a perennial plant that is cultivated in Japan. For centuries Konjac has been used in traditional Asian dishes such as noodles, tofu and flour. If you find it hard to consume enough fiber in your daily diet, then Konjac just might be your answer. If you are interested in weight control, Konjac is also the herb for you. By expanding in the stomach, Konjac creates a feeling of "fullness". Another benefit with fiber rich foods is the effect it has in reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) and in some studies actually increased the good cholesterol (HDL). As you can see Konjac Root has many benefits for making a healthier you!

Valerian Root

(Studied safe herbal sleep aid)

Valerian Root is a natural sleep aid that helps promote bedtime rest. Valerian Root can be taken in whole herb capsules, softgel or taken by liquid extract. Valerian does not cause drowsiness or dependency.

Resveratrol is Nature's Natural Anti-Aging Cure

Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that is produced by some plants to protect against environmental stresses. Perhaps the most notable producer of resveratrol is the grapevine, which produces large amounts of resveratrol in the skins of grapes to protect against fungal diseases and sun damage. It is therefore no suprise that wine (inparticular red wine - which is fermented with grape skins) has some of the highest levels of resveratrol out of any natural food.

While it has been know for thousands of years that wine is a healthful drink (thus the old Roman saying 'In Vino Sanitas'- In wine there is health), the scientific community started taking wine's health benefits seriously after 60 Minutes reported the famous 'French Parodox' study in which people in France were less likely to die of heart attacks than Americans despite similar high fat diets. The
study concluded that the relatively large amounts of red
wine consumed by the French protected their hearts.

From the French Paradox study numerous other studies were launched to attempt to identify compounds responsible for red wine’s apparent health benefits. From these studies the compound that gained by far the largest amount of interest was Resveratrol – AND RIGHTLY SO!
Recent studies have concluded that:

Heartburn Kitchen Cure

If you don't have ginger on had there is one method that does work. I have tried it many times. Place one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one half glass of water and sip during meals. I know it sounds contradictory to ingest an acid while you are trying to cure an acid problem, but there are good acids and bad acids.